Accelerate your Testing with AI

"Accelerate your Testing with AI"

Compliance to the Business - Methods


  • Master the various AI model querying techniques for software testing activities
  • Accelerate test analysis/design, test data creation, test automation and test maintenance with AI.
  • Understand and assess the risks of using AI to speed up software testing

Profile targeted

  • Quality Engineer, QA Manager
  • Tester, Consultant Testing
  • Developer, Test Automator
  • Product Owner, Project Manager,
  • Business Analyst

Mandatory Requirements



Discover our program:

1. Generative AI for software testing: Introduction

  • Different types of AI: machine learning, deep learning and generative AI
  • What generative AI brings to software testing
  • The main techniques for using generative AI for testing

2. Requesting a large language model for testing: how to get good results

  • Prompting techniques
  • Use cases with practical exercises :
    1. Test analysis and design
    2. Refactoring / improving existing test cases
    3. Generate test data
    4. Generate and maintain automated tests
    5. Analyze fault reports and summarize problems detected
  • Summary: best practices for querying an AI model

3. Generative AI integrated into test tools

  • How AI is infusing testing tools
  • Practical experience:
    • Regression tests
    • Resuming a manual test sequence
    • Assistance in correcting test code

4. Managing the risks of generative AI

  • My AI is hallucinating: practical examples
  • Mon IA ne protège pas mes données : testez-le
  • My AI is biased: test it
  • My AI costs too much and its energy impact is too high

=> Solutions to these problems

5. Advanced techniques for using generative AI in software testing

  • Using our project data with generative AI
  • Guiding reasoning
    • Provide examples
    • Query string
  • AI agent tester: your assistant for more complex tasks
  • How do you adapt an AI model to test tasks?

6. Synthesis: what we've learned

  • How do I go about it in practice?
  • I choose my generative AI model for testing


  • GPT 3.5 and GPT 4 (OpenAI)
  • Mistral 7B and Mixtral (Mistral)
  • Gravity (Smartesting)
  • Llama and CodeLLama (Meta)
  • Gemini (Google)

Training will adapt to technological developments, and this list will evolve according to what is most relevant.

Teaching methods

35% theory / 65% practice

evaluation methods

