Formation outils de tests

Test Automation with Agilitest Module 2 - Peregrine Level

Formation automatusation des tests - Peregrine level

Adhésion au métier – Méthodes


The Agilitest - Peregrine Level training course is dedicated to deepening the advanced functionalities of Agilitest, aimed at profiles initiated to the tool, with the goal of variabilizing and factoring test scripts to bring depth to your tests. 


Agilitest Users 

Mandatory Requirements

Agilitest active license


Q&A session - 4 hours to review the basics

  • What is ATS? 
  • How capture works with Agilitest 
  • Channel management

1. Advanced configuration

  • ATS properties and driver management 
  • Setting up an execution campaign 

2. Provide depth and reusability

  • Complex variables and use of regular expressions 
  • Complex actions 

3. Conducting tests

  • Carry out tests on different technologies (webservice, mobile, big client, Windows, SAP)

4. On the job training

Practical application in a client context 

Teaching methods

  • Theory 
  • Case study 

evaluation methods

Multiple-choice questionnaire


Sign up
  • 29.10.2024 - 30.10.2024 Remote
