Formation outils de tests

Selenium (outils d’automatisation)

Formation Selenium

Adhésion au métier – Méthodes / Prise en main technique

Goals: This training focused on the Selenium automation tool allows participants to:

  • Master the specificities of Web application automation
  • Learn how to perform tests with Selenium IDE
  • Automate a complete scenario and use CSV data
  • Learn about Selenium WebDriver automation
  • Help the whole team to test with Selenium in an efficient way

Profile targeted

  • Tester
  • Consultant
  • Test Automation Engineer
  • Test Expert
  • Contracting authority support

Mandatory Requirements

  • Knowledge of tests and ideally of automaton


1. Principles of web application test automation

  • Web application testing
  • Principles of automation tools
  • Functional automation techniques

2. Introduction to the Selenium 3.0 Platform

  • The Selenium Project
  • Architecture of the Selenium 3.0 platform
  • Comparison with other automation tools

3. Creating tests with Selenium IDE (Katalon Recorder)

  • Introduction & installation of the IDE plugin
  • Overview of the IDE interface
  • Recording test cases
  • Building test suites and replay
  • Editing and modifying test cases
  • Language primitives (Selenese) and locators
  • Using variables in Selenium IDE

4. Selenium IDE (Katalon Recorder) Advanced

  • Using conditions (if then else) and loops (while)
  • Managing CVS and JSON test data
  • Extensions with JavaScript

5. Introduction to Selenium Web Driver

  • Web driver : architecture
  • Selenium and Selenium Remote Control
  • Drivers for the different browsers
  • Action control
  • Recognition of components on the interface

6. Introduction to Selenium and Test NG

  • Using Test NG in Selenium
  • Checking Test NG reports
  • Test NG Annotations
  • Action control
  • Recognition of components on the interface

Teaching methods

  • Theory
  • Exercises
  • Practical training
  • Feedback

Terms of evaluation

  • Tutorial


Sign up
  • 07.10.2024 - 08.10.2024 Remote
  • 07.10.2024 - 08.10.2024 Paris
