Formation outils de tests

Test Automation with Agilitest Module 1 - Falco Level

Formation automatisation des tests - Falco level

Compliance to Business - Methods


The Agilitest - Falco training is dedicated to the control of the functions and theunderstanding of the philosophy of the toolThe aim is to make any profile, whether technical or functional, autonomous in the conception, realization andindustrialization of automated tests

  • Make testers autonomous
  • Make your tests robust
  • Simplify maintenance

Profile targeted

  • Agilitest Users

Mandatory Requirements

  • Agilitest active license



1. Deployment of the tool

  • Technical environment
  • Setting up the tool

2. Creating a project and implementing a test

  • Creation of a project
  • Setting up a project

3. Automation logic with Agilitest

  • Discovering the capture tool
  • Capture web elements

4. Performing Web tests

  • Channel management
  • Realization of a first test

5. Campaigns and implementation reports

  • Launch of automated campaigns
  • Setting up and analyzing execution reports

6. On the job training

  • Practical application in a client context

Teaching methods

  • Theory
  • Case study

evaluation methods

  • Multiple-choice questionnaire


Sign up
  • 17.09.2024 - 18.09.2024 Remote
  • 10.12.2024 - 11.12.2024 Remote
