Formation outils de tests

Jira Xray

Formation outil Jira Xray

Adhésion au métier – Méthodes / Prise en main technique

Goals: XRay is an add-on of the Jira tool (Atlassian), dedicated to the management of repositories and test campaigns. This training will allow you to:

  • Master the testing process through the Jira Xray tool
  • Master the modules and features of the Xray tool
  • Discover test design with Gherkin

Profile targeted




Project Manager

Mandatory Requirements

Testing experience

Knowledge in agility


1. Introduction to Jira

  • Basic Concepts
  • Projects and issues
  • Lists, filters and searches
  • Application to the agile method
  • Adding an Agile project
  • Create US and sprints

2. Presentation of the Xray add-on

  • Configuring Xray
  • Mapping problems

3. Use Xray to test a project

  • Create a minimum to test
  • Add a manual test
  • Create test conditions
  • Organize your tests
  • Planning your tests
  • Executing your tests
  • Introduction to continuous integration
  • Introduction to test automation with Jira XRay
  • Application to the agile method
  • Adding an Agile project
  • Create US and sprints

4. Advanced features

  • Use Xporter to generate reports
  • Other useful plugins
  • The Dashboard
  • Administration
    • Project
    • Page
    • Workflow

Teaching methods

  • Testing experience

  • Knowledge in agility

Terms of evaluation

  • Practical work


Sign up
  • 23.09.2024 - 24.09.2024 Remote
  • 23.09.2024 - 24.09.2024 Paris
  • 19.12.2024 - 20.12.2024 Remote
  • 19.12.2024 - 20.12.2024 Paris
