Reskilling POEI


What is reskilling?

La Préparation Opérationnelle à l’Emploi Individuelle (POEI) est un dispositif de financement à l’initiative de Pôle Emploi permettant aux demandeurs d’emploi de bénéficier d’une formation préalable à l’embauche dans le cadre d’une reconversion ou d’une spécialisation par exemple. Ce programme permet aux candidats de monter en compétences sur un poste pour lequel ils ont une promesse d’embauche avant de l’occuper. 

QESTIT Academy est notamment fière de proposer un parcours de reconversion aux métiers du test en 10 semaines, vous permettant d’intégrer votre nouveau poste avec toutes les compétences nécessaires. Animée par nos experts, cette formation au test logiciel vous permettra d’être opérationnel et compétent rapidement pour votre prise de poste.

You are a company?

Vous souhaitez recruter et former des consultants ?

Let's discuss the proposed career paths or define together a customized path adapted to your needs, requirements and those of the market, to train the future members of your team now.

You are a candidate?

You want to learn new skill in Software Testing?

Le Test Logiciel est un secteur porteur. Il vous permettra de donner vie aux projets numériques de demain. Soyez avertis des prochaines POEI organisées par QESTIT Academy pour devenir Consultant Test / Automatisation.

Don't wait...

Seize the opportunity

Reskilling POEI
Reskilling POEI

Envie de changement, de participer à des projets, d’acquérir de nouvelles compétences ou de collaborer avec de nouvelles personnes ?

Donnez un tournant à votre carrière en vous formant sur des sujets qui VOUS intéressent, grâce à notre formation pour POEI.

Reskilling POEI

POEI - Ce qu'il faut savoir

L'offre en détails de nos POEI

  • Profile targeted
    Any job seeker registered with France Unemployment organization who has received a job offer with a minimum 12-month contract.

  • Company targeted
    As far as companies are concerned, this system is available to public and private sector employers who have filed a job offer with the French Unemployment organization.

  • Supported trainings
    Our Reskilling program can cover up to 400 hours of training.

  • Organisation
    Our training programs allow participants to master the techniques and tools necessary for the position to be filled as well as to improve soft skills such as oral and written communication.

  • Financing
    The reskilling program is financed by the French Unemployment organisation (Pôle Emploi)

Job search

A job offer requiring new skills is proposed to you: reskilling program may be a possibility. Contact your future company's representant to learn more.


An interview will be organized with the company, the Unemployment organisation (if you are located in France) and yourself to review the skills to be acquired. 

Training Center

Once the training plan has been received and accepted by you, you start the training course.


In order to validate the training, a viva before a jury is necessary. 


Once you have obtained the certificate, you are now a full member of the QESTIT team or our client's team, who initiated the reskilling program.

Test Consultant - The curriculum

Becoming a Test Consultant in 10 weeks!

  • Test Methodology - 84h
  • Requirement Engineering - 21h
  • Outils de gestion des Tests – 42h
  • Test automation tools - 56h
  • Performance Testing Tools - 14h
  • Tools for web services testing - 14h
  • Communication - 28h
  • Tutorial - 35h
  • Application project - 56h

Total : 350h of training

Option: In-company tutoring - 49h


Our last reskilling programs

Tested and approved by your future colleagues

Automation Squad

This reskilling program allowed the trainees to project themselves in their future role as well as to better understand the testing profession by taking into account the evolution of the market.

The Fantestics

The Fantestics was a training program dedicated to women who wish to work in the IT. Led for 10 weeks by our expert trainers, this training program was organized in collaboration with Leboncoin and Pôle Emploi.

Let's talk about your project

QESTIT ACADEMY support you through the implementation of your reskilling program. Tell us more about your project!

Offices opened: Mon-Fri from 09am to 06pm