

Compliance with the profession - Methods

general information




This course is an introductory workshop. In this category, you will effectively blend practice and theory with numerous case studies and examples.
In this training, you will follow two goals:


  • Understand testing and its challenges
  • Understand the work and thinking of a tester




profile targeted:


  • Anyone wishing to discover the testing profession or understand testing.



Mandatory requirements:


  • None






1. Theoretical presentations
  • 2.5 hours of theoretical presentations on the test, its role, interest and tools
2. Practical work

4.5 hours: practical work:

  • Review (BDD type)
  • Designing, writing and implementing tests (with a dedicated tool)
  • Campaign execution with a market tool
  • Communication of test results (reporting)




Teaching methods:


  • 35% theory
  • 65% practice



Terms of evaluation:



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  • On demand
See all the dates available
icon-time 1 day (7h of training)
icon-salary [Inter] €500 excl. tax/person - 3 registrants min.
icon-training-1 Available in FR or EN

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