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Compliance with the profession - Methods / Technical onboarding

general information




This training adresses test automation on mobile devices, using Appium, an open-source tool for creating test automata in Android and IOS environments, and integrating them into a continuous test tool chain:

  • Understand Appium and the chain of tools enabling its use
  • Know how to install Appium and related tools
  • Be able to automate tests on mobile applications
  • Set up a continuous testing platform




profile targeted:


  • Tester
  • Developer - Designer
  • Test manager
  • Test Automation Engineer



mandatory requirements:


  • Fundamental knowledge of Java and mobile/functional testing






1. System & tools
  • Introduction to testing and test automation
  • The different test automation tools
2. Introduction to Appuim & Mobile Test Automation
  • Mobile test automation, Selenium 3.0 and APIs (iOS and Android)
  • Exécution des scripts avec logiciels d’émulation & sur dispositifs
  • Different API levels and Appium concepts
3. JDK, Maven and Android installations
  • Adding an Agile project
  • Create US and sprints
4. Basic Appium for Windows installations
  • Configuration SDK Manager
  • Download & setup of Android API & Appium GUI
  • Understanding appPath, appPackage & appActivity
5. Appium server / Windows OS development
  • Starting & stopping the Appium server
  • Appium Maven Dependencies Download
  • Stop commands and nodes
6. The "Automator Viewer" user interface
  • User interface tool Automator Viewer through SDK
  • Location strategies & tags
7. Inspector Appium
  • Presentation of the Inspecteur Appium
  • Record and view the video with the Appium Inspector
  • Locate elements with the help of the tool
  • Quid about active sessions?
8. The object repository
  • Presentation of the Object Repository
  • Use as a development infrastructure
  • Rôle de maintenance & types de développement
9. Additional features
  • Execution with ANT, Maven, Jenkins
  • Object, technique and element locator
  • Locate elements within elements & multiple elements
  • Using the functions inside the UI Automator class
10. Test "Android NDK ", Hybrid & Web Applications
  • Different tests Native tool
  • Tactile Actions and Events - Gesture manipulation
  • Web Tool Test - Web Automation with the Chrome browser
  • Hybrid Tool Test - Automate mobile SMS sending tools
11. Component Test Development Infrastructure
  • Introduction to Component Testing
  • Introduction to TestNG
  • Difference between JUnit and TestNG




Teaching methods:


  • Theory
  • Practical training
  • Feedback
  • Multiple-choice questionnaire
  • Case studies



Terms of evaluation:



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icon-time 2 days (14h of training)
icon-salary [Inter] €1,790 excl. tax/person - 3 registrants min.
icon-training-1 Available in FR or EN

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