training session

Training course: Choose the intra-company format

Unlike inter-company training, the intra-company format brings together employees from the same company for an exclusive session. The session can take place on the training organization's premises, or on the company's premises. The perfect way to create a session dedicated to your teams!


Benefits of intra-company training


The unique format of intra-company training offers many advantages:


  • Tailor-made training : when setting up your training session, you can choose a course from our catalog or we can create a program to meet your needs.
  • Great flexibility: since it's dedicated to you, we can organize the session face-to-face or remotely, on your premises or ours, for as long as you like.
  • A dedicated trainer: you will not share your trainer with other companies. Your trainer will be exclusively dedicated to your session. He can then focus his analysis and training on your issues and needs.
  • Tenfold efficiency: teams following the same training course at the same time emerge more united and efficient. They'll find it easier to speak the same "language" when exchanging practices and experiences, which will improve their synergy.


Create a customized session for your company or teams


Whether you're a testing novice or a professional, we create programs to meet your needs. Find out more about our customer and his new team:


Our client:

" We want to train our team of 15 developers in the fundamentals of the business and the basics of testing, enabling them to participate in the testing processes for our projects. They should be able to understand the role of developers in quality processes in an Agile environment, understand the importance of User Stories, and how to implement Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD)."

Our solution:

A tailor-made 3-day program with 4 funnel-shaped stages, from the most global to the most technical:


  • Test fundamentals: the testing profession, requirements, tools...
  • BDD Workshop: BDD, developers in the quality process, US quality...
  • Agile Technique: Agile testing and quality processes, the developer's role in the quality process, test integration strategies, test automation best practices...
  • TU/TI workshop: the complementary nature of testing, the importance of integration testing, with case study workshops...

So let's talk about your needs, and together we'll create your exclusive, tailor-made Intra session, with the support of our teaching engineers!



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