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Why is it relevant to be certified ISTQB Agile Technical Tester

Written by QESTIT Team | Aug 6, 2024 2:11:22 PM

Interview of Sanaa Bougrini, certified ISTQB® Agile Technical Tester with QESTIT Academy




Sanaa, hello! First of all, congratulations! You've obtained your ISTQB® certification and are now an agile technical tester, how do you feel? Relieved?

I don't know if the word "relieved" corresponds, I would say rather proud? Because above all, I feel much more confident, both in my technical abilities and in my vision and project management!


What did you learn in this course?

Before the training, I had a good foundation and I was using strategies, but I was applying them in my own way. When I started these 3 days, I immediately saw, and in a very clear way, the things I shouldn't do, the things I should do, the things I should standardize, or the things I wasn't standardizing when I really needed to be rigorous... I quickly understood how to optimize and prioritize, and all this with very targeted advice, I felt a big change in my vision of things.


How did the trainer get you to work with the ISTQB syllabus ?

Our trainer really succeeded in making the syllabus very concrete. He used a lot of examples and different scenarios to allow us to be comfortable in as many situations and visions as possible.


You were part of our first class, and you all certified with great scores! Did you expect this result?

To be honest, I really hoped to have it, because I really worked a lot over these three days to get the certification. On the other hand, for the mock test, I barely got the average, 66% when I need 65%... so I redoubled my efforts for the exam.


Ah yes! Borderline, borderline indeed! So how did you bounce back and pass the final test?

I think the key was the rhythm that was in place. At the end of each chapter, the trainer would give us reviews and reminders. Before he started a new chapter, he'd ask us questions to make sure we were up to date. And at the end of each day, he would give us a review with questions... He showed great patience in explaining the same things over and over again.

And then, concerning the test itself, he gave us lots of advice after the mock test to really know how to answer the MCQ and make the right eliminations when we had doubts.


How did you cope with those 3 very intense days, was it stressful?

I think 3 days is really perfect. We weren't saturated and finishing around 5pm left us with 2 or 3 hours of revision in the evening. So there was no stress over the 3 days, just a little before the exam, but nothing more than that!


What advice would you give to someone interested in taking this course?

My advice is to learn the first part by heart, so that you can start the second part with peace of mind and no gaps.


Would you recommend this course?

Yes, completely. For me, even if you don't pass the certification, it allows you to be much more confident with your skills and to work in a much more serene way. I've really seen a "before and after" effect, especially when you're working in positions of responsibility and strategy.


We're counting on you to frame your certification and display it in your home! A final word on the ISTQB® Advanced - Agile Technical Tester course?

I'm very proud of myself, especially being part of this first class. Proud and also lucky to have a manager and a company who pushed me to do this training, even when I doubted myself! And we really had a great trainer, available and educational, and without him, I wouldn't have succeeded!